About Us

My name is Brad Luther. I’ve been studying Taiji since 1995. In that time I have studied Yang and Chen style Taiji and I am currently a disciple of Marin Spivack, studying traditional Chen family Taiji. While I offer classes in Yang Style Taiji, it is not my day job. Classes are small with individual attention. In Colorado we have a group of students who are training in Chen Style Taiji under Marin Spivack. This group is dedicated and work on the bitter training that is necessary for Chen Taiji, which is not for everyone. We also host bi-annual Chen workshops with Marin including people from across the US and outside the US as well.

Yang style classes are calibrated to the individual student and can be scaled to appropriate progressions for anyone, with higher progressions being quite challenging. We are not a “store front” martial arts school and we don’t offer kids classes. Our goal is to make available a traditional approach to training and develop a Taiji community in Fort Collins. Taiji is a lifelong pursuit of mine and I love sharing the art with others.

So what should you expect? If you are just starting expect to be challenged at your appropriate level in strength and mobility while learning Taiji forms and meditations. Classes are small with just a few students on any particular night so the level of instruction and feedback are high. Results are dependent on a students ability to be self motivated. After learning Taiji forms students can progress to partner work and those who are deeply interested can move on to Chen style.

October 2021 Chen Style Workshop